Leaks Show McKinsey Pushed Fossil Fuel Agenda At Africa Climate Summit

'Undue influence': McKinsey & Company helped set the agenda for the UN Africa Climate Summit
Consulting giant McKinsey & Company sought to place controversial carbon market schemes favoured by its fossil fuel clients at the heart of the Africa Climate Summit, according to internal documents and sources who talked to AFP. The documents reveal that the firm worked behind the scenes to shape the agenda of September's Nairobi gathering, a key event in the run-up to the UN's COP28 talks in Dubai.

China's Space Programme: Five Things To Know

Chang'e-3, which carried a robotic rover, was China's first landing on the Moon
When Chang'e-3 became the first Chinese craft to land on the Moon 10 years ago, it kicked off nationwide celebrations -- and a decade of major successes for a rapidly accelerating space programme.
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Private Astronaut Crew, Including First Arab Woman In Orbit, Returns From Space Station

The Axiom 2 crew was led by retired NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson, 63, who holds the U.S. record for most time spent in orbit with 665 days in space over three long-duration missions to the ISS, including 10 spacewalks. Ax-2's designated pilot was John Shoffner, 67, an aviator, race car driver and investor from Alaska. Rounding out the crew as mission specialists were the first two astronauts from Saudi Arabia to fly aboard a private spacecraft - Ali Alqarni, 31, a fighter pilot for the Royal Saudi Air Force; and Rayyanah Barnawi, 34, a biomedical scientist in cancer stem-cell research.
