Xuezhu Jenny Wang
Xuezhu Jenny Wang Eris Spirollari

There has been a great deal of immigration throughout the world in recent decades, but the narratives of these communities are still frequently overlooked. IMPULSE Magazine is doing what it can to change this, creating space for representation, expression, and advocacy. This woman-led arts and culture magazine, spearheaded by Xuezhu Jenny Wang, is spotlighting the stories of immigrant artists and the unique challenges they face as they seek new lives and creative passions.

A Platform for Diverse Voices

IMPULSE Magazine is creating a space where immigrant artists can share their experiences, be they struggles and triumphs or just thoughts and perspectives. Through its flagship series, "Migration in Dialogue," the magazine delves deep into the personal journeys of artists who have crossed borders in search of creative freedom and opportunity.

One such story is that of Aeri Go, a Korean jewelry designer whose path to American citizenship was paved with a series of visa statuses she describes as an alphabet soup. In Aeri Go's "Migration in Dialogue" story, she discusses the raw, complex emotions that many immigrants deal with, including the guilt of leaving her family behind and the challenge of maintaining cultural ties while forging a new identity abroad. Stories like this one might never be heard without a publication like IMPULSE designed to elevate them.

Navigating the Challenges of Immigrant Artistry

IMPULSE Magazine isn't shy about addressing the harsh realities faced by immigrant artists. Many of its articles and interviews are designed to bring to light the often-overlooked hurdles that creatives must overcome.

In one story, photographer Morrison Gong discusses the stress of balancing their artistic practices with visa requirements, but they also reveal how these challenges left them with a deeper respect for their chosen medium. Other articles deal with the precarious situations that artists can find themselves in, like how they become trapped in abusive relationships or buried under crushing workloads just to meet visa application requirements.

Sharing these stories is one of the main ways that IMPULSE Magazine works to raise awareness about the complex intersections of immigration status, artistic pursuit, and personal well-being.

Community Impact and Practical Support

IMPULSE Magazine doesn't stop at storytelling. The magazine wants to bring real education and support to the immigrant community it represents. Through collaboration with experts like Atreya Mathur from the Center for Art Law, the magazine features articles that offer valuable information on the visa application processes. Featured interviews with successful immigrant artists and professionals, such as Reiko Fueting from the Manhattan School of Music, allow IMPULSE to offer readers a mix of inspiration and practical advice.

By sharing stories of resilience and success, IMPULSE creates a network of support and solidarity and helps build a sense of community among immigrant artists. They can raise the voices of activists like Heldáy de la Cruz and his UndocuPDX collective, which provides resources to Portland-area immigrants and raises funds for crucial causes supporting immigrant and LGBTQ+ rights.

Working Toward a Better Future

Xuezhu Jenny Wang, the writer-in-residence for The Immigrant Artist Biennial 2023, has a vision for IMPULSE that aims to contribute to a more inclusive and empathic discourse around immigrants, refugees, the arts, and gender rights. By continuing and expanding its work of storytelling and advocacy, IMPULSE Magazine is helping shape a more inclusive future for the creative industry. By amplifying the stories of immigrant artists, The magazine provides enriching cultural perspectives and creates a greater understanding and empathy across communities.