Validity Of Free Zone Visas In UAE Reduced To 2 Years
The validity of UAE free zone visas has been reduced from three to two years. Business setup consultants confirmed the development came in time with the October rollout of new UAE visa reforms.
In the UAE, visas issued in the mainland remain valid for two years while those issued in free zone areas were valid for three years. The reduction of the validity of free zone visas was decided as the UAE government seeks to standardize the validity of all work visas, whether issued in the mainland or free zone areas.
"As per new updates, the validity has been reduced from three to two years," a customer care agent at the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security (ICP) told Khaleej Times.
"Visas that have already been issued will remain valid for three years. All new ones will have a two-year validity," said another source.
A circular sent out by free zone authorities to clients stated the applicability of the new rule will depend on whether the visa was already released or was under process.
"Even if you have recently applied for a new visa and reached the final stage of the e-sticker processing, and the EID (Emirates ID) application has been approved for three years—the visa will be processed and is applicable for two years only," the circular stated
"The above is applicable for new employment visa requests (inside/outside the country) and visa renewals," it added
The circular also detailed the necessary financial adjustments that the new validity rule entails, noting that the visa amount for the "third year" was refunded to business partners. "For a lot of people, this means some level of financial adjustments, because visas will become a tad bit costlier," explained Abdul Gafoor, Al Mas Businessmen Service General Manager.
"The visa duration for partners of mainland companies has also been cut down to two years. It is not a major change—but the increased cost is something that companies will have to factor in for their future plans," he added.
There are 40 multidisciplinary free zones in the UAE. Expatriates and foreign investors in these zones are allowed to take full ownership of companies, which are governed by a special set of rules and regulations. The flexibility and low prices that free zones provide to residents make them extremely popular among foreign nationals.

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